InTucker Magazine
October 2023
From the Mayor
Don’t Forget to Vote November 7!
Last month the Council voted to approve the City’s participation in the proposed SPLOST II vote that is coming up in November. As with all ballot measures, the City, staff and elected officials are prohibited from advocating for or against a ballot measure. Our role is to educate our community, and it is in that spirit that I want to report briefly on the success of the current SPLOST.
The first Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) was approved for DeKalb County by residents in the 2017 election. As per an agreement between the Cities and the County, Tucker received a percentage of the sales tax based on our population size and for six years. During those six years we have used those funds wisely and effectively, making huge capital improvements in our City including street repaving, additional sidewalks, trails, traffic safety improvements, capital improvements in our Parks, and much more.
By the time the current SPLOST ends in March of next year, the City of Tucker will have spent more than $19M of our SPLOST allocation on resurfacing city streets. Combined with other state and local funding, Tucker has resurfaced 351 streets (more than 90 miles) during the 6-year program. Approximately 60% of the City’s resurfacing efforts have been funded through SPLOST.
Pedestrian and bicycle safety remain a high priority for Tucker. We have constructed almost 25,000 linear feet (4.5 miles) of sidewalk and 4,500 feet (0.8 miles) of trails. Approximately 55% of these projects utilized SPLOST funds. Multiple sidewalk and trail projects are in the design phase, with construction slated over the next two years. The City has been very successful in leveraging federal dollars to offset the local funding required.
Examples of other projects that were accomplished with SPLOST funding include traffic signal upgrades, intersection improvements, and radar speed detection devices.
Parks and Recreation also utilizes SPLOST dollars to help fund and complete projects such as playground upgrades, infrastructure upgrades at Fitzgerald Park and Sports Complex, additional lighting at Henderson Park, new parking at Johns Homestead, Probst Park, Rosenfeld Pool and Henderson Park. SPLOST funding accounted for nearly 25% of the completed projects ($3M) and is projected to provide an additional $1.5M through March 2024.
This fall, in addition to the three City Council seats that are on the ballot, the County is requesting approval for SPLOST II. This is a continuation of the penny tax for the next six years; it is not in addition to the current one. I urge you to carefully consider your vote in this matter, along with your choices for members of City Council. Please plan to vote on November 7.