InTucker Magazine

December 2023

Anne Lerner

City of Tucker Councilmember District 3, Seat 2
Former Councilmember Anne Lerner

Anne-Lerner-Tucker-City-Council-2Grateful. Hopeful. These two words describe how I feel as my service to you on Tucker’s City Council comes to a close. Do not be mistaken though, my service to Tucker is not coming to an end, because it did not begin as a city council member. For nearly 27 years, I’ve served in many roles throughout our community and alongside so many of you. From concerned citizen, dedicated volunteer, board member, planning commissioner, cityhood advocate, founder, and council member. My roles and titles change but my focus remains the same – serving the people of Tucker. This commitment should not and will not end when I am no longer on the city council. It’s just another step in my Tucker journey.

There is so much to be grateful and hopeful for here in Tucker! I’ll mention a few in the space allotted, but know I hold so many more in my heart.

Whether it was picking up trash and planting trees at the Lavista Road/I-285 exit and entrance ramps (so much so that during my years as a teacher my Stone Mountain Middle School students thought I was doing mandated community service), coordinating the Winding Woods Neighborhood Watch program or spending time in living rooms and backyards across Tucker listening to your concerns, my mission and vision has always been about service.

I am:
Grateful for your trust in allowing me to serve you on our inaugural city council and for an additional term. I am grateful for your praise and your criticism. You can’t expect to make decisions as a leader and not encounter both. I am even more grateful for those of you who were always willing to sit and have a real conversation about your concerns, coming together as we sought common ground for sensible solutions.

I am confident that we will continue to sit and have real conversations with new and old friends and our neighbors. Let’s look for even more ways to come together as Tucker!

I am hopeful to see so many new faces at volunteer events. May that spirit of coming together and rolling up our sleeves to get things done in Tucker never end.

I am grateful for partners across Tucker, like the Tucker-Northlake and Tucker Summit CIDs, our companies and business owners, our philanthropies, our diverse faith communities, and all who choose to invest in our city with their time, talent, and treasure.

I am hopeful the City of Tucker always remembers the power of partnerships and continues to be a good partner locally and regionally.

Former Councilmember Anne Lerner poses with Mayor Auman and Bill Rosenfeld.

I am grateful to city staff, who I affectionately call Team Tucker, and their families. Starting a new city, even one with such a groundswell of support, is not easy, and their dedication to our success is a testament to Tucker.

I am confident as the city evolves Team Tucker will continue to go above and beyond in their service to you.

I am grateful for the volunteers who serve on city boards and commissions. We have a wealth of knowledgeable and experienced citizens who give freely of their time to help guide important decisions.

I am hopeful our city boards and commissions will continue to attract citizens willing to share their expertise with us. I’ve always said Tucker’s biggest asset is our people.

I am grateful for all our community volunteers past and present who built Tucker on a solid foundation and paved the way for a smooth transition to cityhood. There are too many groups to mention by name, but each one serves a need in Tucker and brings value to the community.

I am grateful for our mayor and our council members, past and present, as we’ve learned to work together for all of Tucker. Through the years we have shared some of life’s greatest joys and greatest sorrows. Not a day goes by that I do not think of Bill Rosenfeld who left us too soon. I am also grateful for our families, and their support and sacrifice.

I am hopeful for Amy and Vinh as they start their journey as your new council members. Please show them patience and grace as they learn the ins and outs of their new role. May they rely on you as I did for support and guidance.

Never did I imagine back in 1997 when I moved to Tucker how much I would come to love this community and how much you have become a part of my life. We have celebrated great accomplishments together, faced great challenges together and will continue to work toward a bright future together.

Anne Lerner