InTucker Magazine

May 2024

From the Mayor

It is with great excitement that I invite you to help me welcome Vinh Nguyen of District 2 and Amy Trocchi of District 3. Longtime Tucker residents, Vinh and Amy both come to us with years of community involvement and a passion for service.

As we mature as a city (we’re now 8 years-old!), one of the challenges is to keep strong working relationships on the council as our members change over time. All of our original members of council have now rotated off due to term limits. Vinh and Amy become our 13th and 14th members in our short time as a city. One of my highest priorities as Mayor is to keep us focused on our core mission, seeking to continually improve on its execution. Another is to establish good processes for decision-making, even and especially when we face the more difficult or unpleasant ones. To accomplish those priorities, we must be sure our new members get off to a good start, and that means providing all the training and resources they need to be effective representatives for all of us.

I don’t view a new councilmember’s role as filling the shoes of their predecessors so much as it is fulfilling the same critical duties in their own way. One upside of our frequent turnover in members is that each new person brings their own set of experiences, skills and knowledge, and is able to apply them to an ongoing set of challenges with a perspective we didn’t have before. The mix of experience in office and the institutional knowledge that goes with it, along with fresh eyes and approaches should serve us well, and Vinh and Amy are already making a positive impact.

And of course, I would be remiss if I failed to congratulate Councilmember Virginia Rece on her re-election to District 1 Seat 2. Thanks to Virginia, Roger Orlando, Cara Schroeder and Alexis Weaver for your dedication to this role and all that you have brought to the success of our City of Tucker over these last two years. Here’s to many more!

Mayor Auman's signature..