InTucker Magazine
March 2025
From the Mayor
One of the more visible ways the City serves the community is through our Parks and Recreation department. City staff has created and expanded our lineup of monthly events, grown our sports leagues and fostered relationships with third-party teachers and leaders at the Tucker Recreation Center. In 2019, we entered into a partnership that has turned into one of our largest projects to date. The private organization that owned Fitzgerald Field, home of the Tucker Football League, approached the City and requested a unique partnership via donating their sports complex on Lawrenceville Highway to the City in exchange for a promise to renovate the park, returning the 18 acre facility to modern standards, and allow TFL first priority for its use. We jumped at the opportunity and have made huge upgrades to the entire facility. It’s a promise we’ve now fulfilled, and we can’t wait to share it with all of Tucker!
The Fitzgerald Sports Complex was in dire need of improvement to the fields, buildings and parking, but first, the water and sewer systems needed to be addressed. This required a complete replacement of the water delivery system within the park and tying into the existing sewer system with new lines. We also had to replace and repair the entire stormwater management system in the park. Not only did we face supply chain issues during COVID, but we planned the project in phases to spread it over several fiscal years, so while it may have felt like it was never-ending, this was well planned and well executed despite the many challenges.
Once completed in the summer of 2023, we were able to dig in and have some fun upgrading the fields and facilities.
The final upgrades include repaving the parking and the entrance drive, adding additional parking, athletic fields for football (including an artificial turf main field), baseball and multi-purpose, three concession/bathroom buildings and a new playground area with a walking trail. As I said, our largest project to date.
A project of this magnitude calls for a true celebration once it is completed. We are thrilled to invite the community to join us at the Spring Fling on Saturday March 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fitzgerald Sports Complex to celebrate this major investment in the future of Tucker’s sports programming and athletes of all ages.
The Fitzgerald Sports Complex is located at 4877 Lawrenceville Highway and on the web at