InTucker Magazine

July 2021

Citizen of the Month – Trish England

Trish England represents many who have come back to Tucker as adults. Multi-generational Tuckerites who feel the pull to come home, enjoy the remnants of what was, embrace all that is good today, and roll out the canvas a little wider for tomorrow. Trish is also one of the reasons Tucker feels like home to so many.

Growing up on a then two lane “LaVista” Road, from a young age Trish has enjoyed a panoramic view of the reality that one of the most consistent things in life is change. Capturing, preserving and sharing the right moments from the past is often the key ingredient in the consistency that binds us together.

For years, Trish has been a vital part of the Tucker Historical Society in various leadership roles. She has overseen Browning Courthouse Day, the Garden Tour, Plant Swap, supported studies of Downtown Tucker, contributed to the City’s Historic Resource Report, watched over cemeteries, shared historic photographs online, written articles on Tucker, and so much more.

Through all of it, rather than celebrating herself, Trish has succeeded in promoting the work of others. From business leaders to educators, she’s played a consistent role in turning the light to shine on others for all the right reasons. Trish understands the words of the songwriter who sings “my life is not a story about me.” Like the true auto racing fan she is, she knows that without a good pit crew the wheels fall off.

Decades of collecting, preserving, and sharing the stories of others may seem like loops around the track, yet it can help us see our own identity with more clarity. Embrace the path in front of us and drive with more confidence at each turn. As that path leads home to Tucker for thousands each year, either for the first time or the last, Trish’s name will not be in headlines, but the subtle results of her work remain front and center.

If Tucker feels like home to you, if it feels small and approachable, and if you feel a sense of deep loyalty to it, at times fierce and fiery loyalty, you’re catching some of the spark that Trish keeps alive. For those reasons and much more, let this July be a month of a little praise and thanksgiving for Trish England. A daughter of Tucker, a defender of tradition and a friend to many.

Nomination by Matthew Lee