InTucker Magazine

May 2021

Citizens of the Month – Jennifer Lenac and Meredith Moseley

Oprah Winfrey once wrote, “Leadership is about empathy. It’s about having the ability to relate and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives.” This quote is indicative of two remarkable leaders who selflessly inspire and empower others. Based on these characteristics, I am recommending Mrs. Meredith Moseley and Mrs. Jennifer Lenac (Co-PTA Presidents) for the May 2021 Citizens of the Month Award.  

To begin with, these two leaders are highly vested in promoting academic achievement at Tucker Middle School. Mrs. Moseley and Mrs. Lenac, along with the PTA team, render collective feedback relative to our IB and STEM programs. These PTA leaders seamlessly promote Book Fairs to enhance our reading initiatives. They also help facilitate International Night and Black History Month activities. 

In addition to their efforts within the school, Mrs. Moseley and Mrs. Lenac are the driving force to advertising our school’s accomplishments to the community, local businesses and faith-based organizations. Also, they have generated scholarships/donations for the top 10% and generated funds for teacher recognition incentives. Furthermore, amid the pandemic, they played critical roles in donating school supplies, cleaning products, disinfectants, plexiglass and bottled water to the school. Likewise, their constant request is “what else can we do to help?” 

Undoubtedly, Mrs. Moseley and Mrs. Lenac have led their team to making an immeasurable positive impact at Tucker Middle School. They exemplify teamwork through every manner of their continuous unmatched service. It is with great pleasure that I have been given the opportunity to elaborate on their unique talents and contributions. In essence, these forerunners have drastically connected, inspired and empowered the lives of everyone at Tucker Middle School and beyond! 

Nomination by Dr. Kathy Cunningham, Principal