Project Detail

Tucker Trail – S. Fork Peachtree Creek

Tucker Trail – S. Fork Peachtree Creek

Tucker Trail – S. Fork Peachtree Creek


The City of Tucker proposes to construct a 10’ wide, concrete shared-use path 2.8 miles in length. The proposed path begins at Northlake Mall on Northlake Parkway and ends in Downtown Tucker at the existing shared-use path at 2nd Street. The path consists of side paths along roadways, independent path alignments, multiple walls to minimize impacts, a boardwalk section, and a pedestrian bridge over Fellowship Road. The project will require acquisition of right-of-way and easement.

    Public Meeting – Northlake-Tucker Trail
    Tuesday August 13, 2024 |  6-7:30 p.m.

    Please attend and provide feedback on the proposed design as well as any additional information relevant to the project. There will not be a formal presentation but boards showing different sections and amenities for the trail will be on display and available for comment.

    The public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13th from 6:00-7:30 pm at Tucker City Hall – 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Tucker, GA 30084.


    Why are we here and what is the issue we are seeking to address within our community?

    The City of Tucker in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is seeking feedback about a proposed solution to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities from Northlake Mall to an existing shared-use path near downtown Tucker. The Tucker-Northlake Trail from downtown Tucker to Northlake Mall project, identified as the Tucker-Northlake Trail project, is approximately 2.8 miles in length and would provide an efficient, off-road, alternate transportation for pedestrians and cyclists who traditionally travel the parallel roads, Lawrenceville Highway/State Route (SR) 8, Lavista Road/SR 236, and I-285.

    What are the current conditions along the Tucker-Northlake Trail Corridor?

    The proposed project corridor consists of existing major collector urban streets, existing local roads and streets, and undeveloped, wooded land between commercial, industrial, and residential buildings. The existing sidewalk coverage in the study area is not complete and bicycle lanes are absent. Adjacent roadways vary from 2 lanes (Moon Street, Bancroft Circle, Railroad Avenue, and 2nd Street) to 4 to 5 lanes with turning lanes and auxiliary lanes (East Exchange Place, Northlake Parkway Northeast and Northlake Parkway).

    What happens without this project (No Build)?

    • Does not design and construct the Tucker-Northlake Trail
    • Does not achieve the vision identified by the City of Tucker and leaves the Tucker PATH Trail Masterplan incomplete.
    • The lack of shared-use path would not be addressed along the corridor; shared-use paths increase pedestrian safety.

    What is the proposed solution?

    In order to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and connectivity, the City of Tucker proposes to construct a 10’ wide, concrete shared-use path approximately 2.8 miles in length. The proposed path begins at Northlake Mall on Northlake Parkway and ends in downtown Tucker at the existing shared-use path at 2nd Street. The path consists of shared-use side paths along roadways, independent path alignments, multiple walls to reduce impacts, a boardwalk section, and a prefabricated pedestrian bridge. The construction of this entire path will require the acquisition of right-of-way and easement.

    What are the benefits of project Implementation?

    • Constructs the Tucker-Northlake Trail.
    • Achieves the vision identified by the City of Tucker and constructs another segment of the Tucker PATH Trail Masterplan.
    • Add shared-use path for bike and walkability including safety enhancements for those walking or biking. 

    Where is this project in the process?

    This project is currently in the preliminary design phase. The preliminary design phase continues to develop proposed solutions that will meet the community’s needs that are identified in the approved concept report.

    What are the Next Steps?

    After the public meeting is held, feedback will be assessed, revisions may occur to the proposed plan initially brought to the public or the no build alternative will be selected. If major changes occur to what was previously shown to the community, additional public outreach would occur. If no major changes are proposed, the project would advance to right-of-way acquisition and into final design. After all right-of-way acquisition occurs, project design is finalized, and the project would advance to construction.

    How can you assist and provide feedback?

    Please provide feedback about our proposed solution as well as information about any resources important to you or to the community. Are there events that future construction may affect once it begins? Your feedback is important!