InTucker Magazine

June 2020

Team Tucker – Janelle Law

Why were you interested in coming to work for the City of Tucker?
I had never worked in government before and the challenge was extremely interesting to me. Plus, having lived a few miles from the Tucker city limits for so many years (Lilburn), the chance to have a great position and be close to home was irresistible.

What are the day-to-day responsibilities of a Facilities Coordinator?
I take care of the offices and the people who work inside them. I order our supplies, handle safety and maintenance on the properties, and help get us ready for our upcoming move to the new City Hall.

What do you like best about your job?

I like the variety – every day is different – and I really enjoy the people I get to see, both my co-workers and the citizens of Tucker.

What do you find most challenging about your job?
Currently, the challenge is the same as it is for most people: working around the virus. We worked really hard to keep our city offices working during the crisis and I’m really proud that I was part of keeping them open.

Are there any big projects that you are working on?
I am currently helping with the team getting us ready to move into our new City Hall. It’s going to be great to have all of our City resources together in one spot.

Off The Wall

What are your favorite hobbies?
My favorite hobby is reading. It always has been. I enjoy all types of books and read quickly, so most of my books I’ve read several times each. I also enjoy watching movies, live theater, soccer and Georgia Bulldog football. 

Are you an outdoorsy person?
I am an outdoor person when I am at my family’s homeplace in the mountains. I love being outside when the temperature is nice and the humidity is low. We do a lot of hiking and ATV riding up there.

What is your favorite childhood memory?
My extended family (aunts, uncles, 13 cousins) used to take trips together. We went camping, we rented a huge house that we all squeezed into at the beach, we went to the World’s Fair. It was great to grow up with so many of my family members surrounding me.

What type of music do you listen to?
Classic Rock is my go to. It’s a little weird that my favorite songs from high school are now “classics”.

Where is your happy place?
My happy place is my family’s homeplace in the mountains of West Virginia. It’s land my family has owned for generations. I love being there where my whole family began.