InTucker Magazine

December 2018

On The Beat With Lt. Schoeppner

This past October was my one year anniversary as your Tucker Liaison Officer. It’s really hard to believe that so much time has passed. A large part of that is because the Tucker community has been so welcoming. This really made the transition into my new role easy.

The arrival of my anniversary also means that the end of the year is upon us. Traditionally, during the holiday season we see an increase in crime. The criminals know that the Christmas season means that folks will do more shopping, that they’ll be keeping gifts in their cars and homes and that the businesses will have more cash in-house because of the increased sales. This means that along with enjoying the season, we also need to watch out for those people who may be looking to spoil our holiday.

In September’s newsletter I wrote at length about the crime of entering autos and gave some tips on how to reduce your chance of having this happen to you. During this holiday shopping season it would definitely be worthwhile to take another look at that article. In summary, you want to avoid leaving items in your car at all. If you are shopping and that that is not possible, you want make sure not to leave those items out in public view. You also want to avoid letting others see when you are putting items in your trunk or hiding items in your passenger compartment. If a criminal knows that there is something they want inside your car, it exponentially increases that chance that they will break in to get it.

After you get your Christmas shopping done and get your presents home, you still can’t let your guard down. Be mindful of blinds that are left open. If a criminal can see something they want inside your home, especially if it’s in a place they can access quickly, they will likely try to go in and get it. Also make sure that you keep your doors locked, even when you are home. Some criminals are brazen enough to try and sneak into your home and steal items that are near the door while you are there. Don’t just assume that you would be able to see or hear them.

Once the holiday is over, make sure you break down boxes from presents. If a criminal can see the box from your new 4K television on the curb, they know what they’ll find if they break into your home.
My space is limited in this newsletter, so these are just a few of the tips I know to be helpful. There are literally hundreds of precautions you can take to avoid being a victim. But if you just give a little thought to how you can avoid being an easy mark, the chances are good that you will have a happy and crime-free holiday season.