About Tucker Parks & Recreation

The mission of Tucker’s Parks & Recreation Department is to help Tucker residents play by providing the safe places, facilities, and programs which promote increased quality of life and well-being of everyone in our diverse community.

The Parks & Recreation Department stays busy all year with improvements and additions to Tucker’s parks and facilities.  Each year,  there  is a budget for improvement  projects  including  playgrounds  with  unique qualities;  trail  improvements with new  bridges  and  boardwalks  to  provide  better  accessibility;  Tucker Recreation Center additions and upgrades; and sidewalks, parking, and park amenities like benches, trash cans, bike racks, and picnic tables. The objective is to create a system usable by the entire community and one that can be enjoyed throughout the year. All efforts are driven by the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, input from the Friends of the Parks groups, the Tucker leadership and, of course, the Tucker community.

It is the goal of the Parks & Recreation Department to create spaces, events, programs, and activities that provide community members of all ages a safe and fun place to play.

Volunteer & Partner Projects

The City of Tucker Parks and Recreation Department and Park Pride will work with neighborhood groups and interested organizations to provide cleanup supplies, tools, and safety information. The beautification area in the park will be identified by the project coordinator and discussed with a representative from Park Pride and City of Tucker Parks Representative prior to the work-day. The project application will be completely filled out, turned in and processed 10 business days prior to the work-day to ensure that the request can be met. Supplies must be picked up at 3681 Chestnut Street in Scottdale, GA prior to the work-day; dumpsters will be delivered to the best of our ability by the Friday before the scheduled work-day, if requested. On the actual clean-up day, all volunteers must sign the attached waiver form (last page) and return to Park Pride. Once the clean-up is complete, the borrowed supplies need to be returned by the project coordinator the next business day following the work day.

PARK Amenity DOnations

The Friends of Tucker Parks, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and the City of Tucker Parks & Recreation Department are pleased to provide a park amenity donation program.

Parks are a place for making memories and coming together with family and friends, and connecting communities. A donation of an amenity to your favorite park is a great way to honor your park memories, your family and friends and to enhance the enjoyment of the parks for all. 

Park Bench with Commemorative Plaque$1,700 – $2,000
Native Tree with Commemorative Plaque$600 – $800
pArk volunteer waiver form

By signing this form, each volunteer hereby acknowledges and agrees that he/she is participating in this project at his/her own risk and hold the City of Tucker and all its officers, agents, servants, and/or employees harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, damage, charge, or expense to which they or any of them may be put or subjected by reason of volunteer’s participation in this project. You further acknowledge that the City of Tucker is not responsible for the acts of others participating in this project and the other volunteers may include, but not be limited to, interested individuals, members of civic groups, religious groups, or community groups, and/or persons convicted of crimes and/or violations of City Ordinances and ordered to provide community service.