
City Council Wrap Up – 3.25.25

March 25, 2025

Councilmembers March 25, 2025.

The second meeting in March of Tucker’s Mayor and Council was called to session with six members in person and Councilmember Weaver attending via Zoom. Following approval of the meeting agenda, Councilmember Rece requested to move an item from the consent agenda to New Business, and Council approved the consent agenda which included an underground easement with Georgia Power at the Tucker Town Green site and an amendment to the IGA for restrooms at Peters Park logging the receipt of $50,000 from former County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw.

Jon Toppen of Tapestry Development presented on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program and how local governments can help facilitate good LIHTC projects.

This presentation was followed by staff reports on January and February Interim Financials, upcoming agenda items and an update on projects under construction.

The three items of business, in addition to the consent agenda, were a second read and public hearing on the code amendment for use regulations, a contract for stormwater system repair and the item added from the consent agenda, a resolution to increase the monthly purchasing limit for the City’s purchasing cards. All three items were approved unanimously.

The Mayor and Council did not have a reason to meet in executive session and the meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m..

The Mayor and Council of the City of Tucker meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month at City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, GA 30084. All meetings are streamed live and recordings are posted online at