City Council Wrap Up – August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022

Tucker City Council met for the first time in August on the first day of school for the DeKalb County School District. School Board Member Allyson Gevertz was the first up during Public Comment with a message from Tucker High School Principal, Dr. Eric Parker, that the day went very well!
August is the second month of utilizing a consent agenda, where council will bundle a few items for a single vote in an effort to conserve time during regular meetings. This consent agenda consisted of three items:
Regular Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2022
Resolution R2022-08-28 to adopt employee position classification and pay plan
Resolution R2022-08-27 to ratify appointment of City Attorney as prosecuting officer
The consent agenda was approved unanimously followed by staff report of July financials of operating and capital budgets activity presented by Finance Director Beverly Ragland. Council then were presented with a second read and public hearing for a text amendment to the Tucker Code Chapter 10 regarding the denial and revocation process of Occupational Tax Certificates.
A variety of text amendments were then presented for First Reads and Public Hearings including:
A text amendment to the Tucker Code Chapter 10 Businesses relating to coin operated amusement devices, promotions, and lotteries
A text amendment to the Tucker Code Chapter 10 Businesses to provide for the mandatory use of video surveillance systems at convenience stores and for other purposes
A text amendment for the purpose of amending the Tucker Code Chapter 26 Municipal Court Section 26-102 to provide an effective date for the term of the prosecuting attorney
Council then approved two contracts for Tucker’s first economic development strategic plan and to purchase two 15 passenger vans through the state procurement contract. The Mayor then appointed and the Council confirmed Anne Lerner as a director of the Downtown Development Authority.
Executive session was held and the council returned with no action and adjourned.
The next City Council work session will be held on August 22 at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, Ga 30084.