City Council Wrap Up – January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022

Tucker’s Mayor and new City Council met on Tuesday night, their first meeting as a newly sworn in body.
After Mayor Frank Auman and Councilmembers Roger Orlando (District 1), Cara Schroeder (District 2), and Alexis Weaver (District 3) all took the oath of office, the body got to work by electing Councilwoman Anne Lerner as the new Mayor Pro-Tem.
Tucker’s Mayor and new City Council met on Tuesday night, their first meeting as a newly sworn in body. After Mayor Frank Auman and Councilmembers Roger Orlando (District 1), Cara Schroeder (District 2), and Alexis Weaver (District 3) all took the oath of office, the body got to work by electing Councilwoman Anne Lerner as the new Mayor Pro-Tem. She would conduct City Council meetings in the event that Mayor Auman is unable to be present.
They then cast four votes, the first of which revises the Downtown Development Authority boundary to include parts of the Northlake area. Next, they approved easement acquisitions for a sidewalk project along Old Norcross Road. They then awarded a contract for installation of bus pads, benches and other seating at seven MARTA stops around the City. The contract went to Ligniappe Development Company for $33,324.75. Lastly, they voted to approve a pair of special land use permits (SLUPs) with amended conditions for a gas station development at 4114 Lavista Road.
The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council will be on Monday January 24 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Pkwy., Suite 350B).