City Council Wrap Up – January 24, 2022
January 1, 2022
Tucker’s Mayor and City Council finished their business for the month of January on Monday night, holding a special called meeting and work session at City Hall. The special called meeting saw a first read and public hearing on a special land use permit (SLUP) and concurrent variances to allow Chick-fil-A to move from its Tucker Station location to the site of the old The Greater Good BBQ on Hugh Howell Road. As land use cases require two reads and have two public hearings, no formal vote was taken on this petition. Council then approved a series of resolutions to appoint and reappoint members to a handful of volunteer boards and commissions. Those include:
- Appointing Derik West and Karen Peters-Rivers, and reappointing Steve Smith, Seth Burrow, and Frank Sapp to the Planning Commission
- Appointing Kermit Hairston and reappointing Crayton Lankford to the Downtown Development Authority
- Appointing Bill Kaduk and reappointing Shawn Stone to the Public Facilities Authority
- Appointing Joe Kilpatrick to the Urban Redevelopment Agency
- Appointing Andrea Bennett and reappointing Joe Singleton to the Zoning Board of Appeals
- Council then held a work session where City Engineer Ken Hildebrandt reported on the progress being made on the safety of Brockett Road, as well as upcoming road resurfacing, sidewalk and trail construction priorities
The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council will take place on Tuesday, February 15, at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B).