City Council Wrap Up – March 13, 2023
March 13, 2023

(March 13, 2023) – The Tucker Mayor and Council started the month of March like a lion with a full agenda and Council Chambers. The preschool class of Tucker First United Methodist Church led the pledge, followed by a legislative update from State Representative Billy Mitchell. The Mayor’s opening remarks ended with recognition of the graduates of the fifth class of University of Government Affairs at Tucker.
Business was quickly underway with unanimous approval of the night’s full agenda and the consent agenda. The consent agenda included the approval of minutes from the previous month’s meetings.
Council approved the ordinance in old business unanimously, adding an amendment to Tucker’s building code to require better sprinkler systems in multi-family units.
New business included a series of contracts and resolutions. The first four contracts, approved anonymously, pertained to probation services for the municipal court, a Housing Study awarded to KB Advisory for $74,700, Street Resurfacing (list attached) awarded to Allied Paving for $3,291,521.65, and Sidewalk Design on E Ponce de Leon awarded to Keck and Wood in the amount of $91,885. The final contract for design and construction documents for parking and pickleball courts at Tucker Recreation Center was awarded to Root Design for $77,000 with a 6-1 vote.
Approvals of resolutions for adoption followed. The proposed budget amendment for FY ‘23 was approved unanimously. The Mayor then presented appointments for three boards for approval. Jason Burton, Bob Espy and Neal Stubblefield were reappointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals with a 6-1 vote. Terry Grandison and Josh Wallace were reappointed to the Public Facilities Authority with a 6-1 vote. Finally, Charles Dewitt’s appointment to the Downtown Development Authority was approved 5-2.
The Mayor and Council then recessed to executive session for the purposes of discussing real estate and returned to adjourn at 10:25 p.m.
Tucker City Council’s next meeting will be March 27, 2023 at 7 p.m. at Tucker City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, GA 30084.