City Council Wrap Up – March 14, 2022
March 14, 2022

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council held their first meeting of the month of March on Monday night, again hearing discussion on a proposal to relocate the Tucker Station Chick-fil-A restaurant. Representatives for Chick-fil-A asked for a deferral on the project, as they seek to work different transportation options to alleviate concerns of neighbors in the area. Council voted 6-0 to grant the deferral, and the project will go back before the Planning Commission at its meeting in April.
Council then held a public hearing on a special land use permit (SLUP) and concurrent variances for a proposed multi-family apartment development that would feature almost 500 units. The project, slated to be built at 2059 Northlake Parkway, is expected to get a final vote from Council at its meeting on April 11. Next was a pair of public hearings for city-initiated rezonings at 1220 and 1250 Richardson Street. Similarly, these came before Council on first reads, meaning no vote is anticipated until the April 11 meeting.
Those issues were followed by unanimous approval of a pair of contracts. The first was for Human Resources consulting services for the City. Council okayed a contract for $30,000 with Mercer Group Associates. The second contract approved was for curb radius construction at four locations throughout the Tucker Summit Community Improvement District (CID). That contract was awarded to DAF Concrete for $74,890.
Council then held a first read on an ordinance that would amend the City Code by strengthening a prohibition on parking illegally in handicapped spaces. That was followed by a first read of an ordinance to amend the City Code chapter on alcoholic beverages. This would replace the current section of code to allow for retail wine, beer and distilled spirits establishments to have tastings with some restrictions. Both of these issues are expected back on the agenda on April 11 for second reads and votes.
Next up for the Mayor and City Council will be a work session on March 28 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B).