City Council Wrap Up – March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023

The Mayor opened the second meeting of March with introductions of new staff members and a quick explanation: in recent years the second meeting of the month is typically a work session and a way to have public discussion and presentations. While the City is standing up the Public Works department and the upcoming budget season, both monthly meetings will be regular scheduled meetings.
The first presentation of the evening was a quick recap of the Economic Development Strategic Plan by KB Advisory followed by an update on completed SPLOST projects.
The council also heard first reads on two ordinances required to move forward with the addition of Public Works to the City’s services. The first is to amend the code to create a Stormwater Utility. The second is to amend the Charter of the City of Tucker to accommodate the results of the referendum from November on the addition of public works and address the last outstanding recommendation of the charter review commission to increase the maximum number of days between first and second reads from 60 to 65 days.
The meeting was also the kickoff of the Comprehensive Plan Five-Year Update with the first of two public hearings. The Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2018 and the Department of Community Affairs requires a small update at the five year mark. The study and update will concentrate on celebrating accomplishments and reworking the Community Work Plan. Public hearing and community engagement dates for the process can be found at
The Council then recessed to executive session for purpose of discussing real estate. The Council returned with no further action and adjourned at 10:53 p.m.
The next City Council meeting will be April 10, 2023 at 7 p.m. at Tucker City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, GA 30084.