City Council Wrap Up – 11.14.2022
November 14, 2022

On November 14 the City of Tucker held its monthly meeting of the Mayor and City Council. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by the two retired DeKalb County Officers that keep the Council and residents safe during public meetings, Captain Donald L. Tracy and Lieutenant William Neal. They were then honored by the Mayor with a proclamation of gratitude for their service. New Tucker Precinct Commander, Major Anthony Ford, was introduced as well.
Mayor Auman then read into record two proclamations: one honoring Mrs. Pamela McCloud, Principal of Smoke Rise Elementary School for earning Principal of the Year for Region 2, and the other in support of Small Business Saturday. The Mayor also used his remark time to introduce two new staff members.
In the first order of business the Council voted 6-0 to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the October regular meeting and work session as well as the first read of an Ordinance to amend the Tucker Code Chapter 40 concerning the Hotel Motel tax code to mirror state law language. This was followed by three matters of Old Business on the agenda. These were three second reads on ordinances: two were rezonings and the other a code update. All three were approved with a 6-0 vote.
- Second reads and public hearings of ordinances for City initiated rezonings at 1220 Richardson Street (RZ-21-0007) and 1250 Richardson Street (RZ-21-0008).
- Second Read and public hearing of an ordinance for the purpose of amending Tucker Code Chapter 46 Zoning Article 3, 4, and 9 including but not limited to convenience store regulations.
For New Business staff presented four items for consideration:
- First read of an ordinance for the purpose of amending Tucker Code Chapter 38 to allow for the sale by the City of parcels too small to be used independently.
- A resolution to accept changes in state route designations for Hugh Howell Road and Mountain Industrial Boulevard.
- A contract award to DAF Concrete, Inc for the Juliette Road sidewalk project
- A Contract amendment for the Trail Segment 1A project
The resolution and two contracts were approved with 6-0 votes.
The Mayor and Council recessed for the purposes of personnel, real estate and litigation and returned to approve a settlement between Raymond McGaughey and the City of Tucker with a 6-0 vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m..
All City Council meetings and work sessions take place on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Tucker City Hall, 1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B, Tucker, Ga 30084.