City Council Wrap Up – October 10, 2022
October 10, 2022

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council held their first meeting of the month of October on Monday night, performing a number of first reads and contract considerations in addition to unanimously approving the adoption of the City of Tucker official calendar for 2023.
The ordinances that received a first read were:
- ordinance for City-initiated rezonings at 1220 and 1250 Richardson Street
- ordinance to amend the Tucker Code Chapter 46 Zoning regarding convenience store regulations to better reflect district zoning requirements and amend some definitions for clarity
The unanimously approved contracts were:
- an award on a bid for the Johns Homestead preservation plan & construction documents project to Morrison Design
- park signage services for A-1 Signs to replace the remaining park signs with the newly-designed monument signs as seen at Tucker Recreation Center and Henderson Park
An amendment to the contract for the Cooledge Road sidewalk construction project to modify the stormwater pipe in the area and increase the concrete quantity to smoothly tie-in driveways was approved 6-1.
Council then recessed for executive session and returned with no further business.
The Mayor and City Council will next hold a meeting and work session on Monday October 24 at 7 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B).