Article Category: From the Mayor

  • From the Mayor

    People I talk to around town sometimes wonder who the real decision makers are in the City of Tucker. Is it the Mayor? The Mayor in consultation with members of the City Council? Is it our staff subject matter experts […]

  • From the Mayor

    From the Mayor

    One of the prime goals of incorporating the City of Tucker back in 2013 through 2015 was to improve the quality of life for all of us. Usually when we think of that phrase, we think of safe streets and […]

  • From the Mayor

    From the Mayor

    The end of the year is a natural time for reflection on what we’ve accomplished, and what’s at the top of our list for the new year. But some years just seem to go by faster than others. We have […]

  • From the Mayor

    From the Mayor

    Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions in our lives, but it’s not just an emotion. It’s a daily decision, and even a way of life. When we embrace thankfulness in all our comings and goings, we grow the […]

  • From the Mayor

    A great community. Every city wants one, and most say they have it. But what is it, and how do you create and nurture one? Of course, there’s a lot more that goes into a great community than what the […]

  • From the Mayor

    From the Mayor

    You’ve experienced it yourself – the most mundane, unglamorous things become so valuable, so useful, you never want to be without them. Our most recently completed project downtown is certain to be one of those. People will regularly walk the […]

  • From the Mayor

    From the Mayor

    Measure twice, cut once. This saying is an old saying not only because it’s sound advice, but because it applies literally to carpentry and metaphorically to so many other aspects of life, including, and maybe especially, municipal governments. It cautions […]