InTucker Magazine

August 2017

Team Tucker – Brian Anderson

What are the day-to-day responsibilities of the City Attorney?
In a new city like Tucker that has limited staffing, the city attorney writes a lot of the City’s ordinances.   The city attorney also reviews or drafts all contracts and IGAs (intergovernmental agreements). In addition, the city attorney has the lead on any lawsuits involving the city.

What is your role at City Council meetings?
The city attorney’s role at City Council meetings is to ensure compliance with applicable codes and laws and that the meetings conform to procedural due process requirements. The City has adopted Robert’s Rules of Order to use in running their Council meetings. In addition, since the city attorney is involved in most matters, he can answer Council’s questions if there is not a subject matter expert at the meeting.

Tell us about your unique career path…
I started my career as nuclear engineer. I am the only person that was on the startup teams for both of Texas’ nuclear power electric generating plants. However, my wife wished to be a big city advertising director, which is not compatible with “middle-of-nowhere” nuclear plants. Consequently, I opted to go to law school to become patent attorney.

Why did you decide to come work in Tucker?
I had helped start the cityhood movement for the City of Dunwoody, becoming Dunwoody’s first city attorney and its first employee. When Tucker began its cityhood movement, I offered my services as one of the few attorneys who had started up a new city.

Off The Wall

Who’s the best athlete in your family?
Currently, I coach several baseball teams. All three of my sons play baseball, with my oldest boy on the Dunwoody High School team. We just dropped off my oldest child at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst for her freshman year. She is on scholarship for the crew team. She ended her high school career placing ninth at nationals, seventh at the Head of the Charles and she is the 6K erg all-time leader of the Atlanta Junior Rowing Association.

What celebrity do people tell you that you look like?
Back in the day, my co-workers threw a Kirk Cameron party stating I was really him studying for a new sitcom about life at a nuke plant. Outside of that, I do not believe anyone has ever stated that I look like anyone quasi-famous.

Favorite movie?
My favorite movie is probably “The Chronicles of Riddick”, with “The Matrix” being a close second. My favorite lawyer movie would have to be “My Cousin Vinny”.