InTucker Magazine

August 2019

From the Mayor – August 2019

City council meeting

It’s August, which in many of your households means Back to School. Whether you’re a student, teacher, bus driver, volunteer or school support staff, I hope it will be a safe and very enlightening academic year in our Tucker Cluster schools.

I want to bring your attention to another educational opportunity starting this fall; one that won’t require you to set an alarm clock in the morning. That’s our University of Government Affairs, or as we affectionately call it “UGA Tucker”. Last year, our City staff put on a six-class series, inviting the community to learn first-hand about different facets of how Tucker’s government operations work. They covered topics like Code Enforcement, Planning and Zoning, Parks and Recreation, and many others. I have to admit, I was impressed by the presentations and by the back and forth between students and teachers. It was civic engagement at its very best. But don’t take my word for it!

“Knowledge gained through UGA Tucker will help people to understand ‘Tucker things’ and help all become more aware of our roles as active citizens of Tucker,” explains City Councilman and UGA Tucker grad Matt Robbins. “I recommend this training very highly!”

You don’t have to be interested in running for elected office in the City to benefit from this program. Residents are finding that UGA Tucker gives them answers to a lot of questions, as well as a better understanding of exactly how their city government functions.

“If you care enough about your city, then you should care enough to learn about your city,” says UGA Tucker grad Derik West. “Presenters were very engaging to me and seemed very prepared and presented the information on a level that was easily understood. I feel that UGA Tucker is very worthwhile because it provides knowledge and practical information about how the government works in the very city that you live in.”

We gave out 23 diplomas to the first graduating class. Now it’s time for a new class to enroll. Email our staff at to sign up for UGA Tucker. I hope to see you at our first session on September 10.

mayor signature