InTucker Magazine
August 2020
Team Tucker – Joseph Blackwell

What is your background in Information Technology?
I have always been interested in computers and technology. It was only a hobby of mine until several years ago when I joined InterDev, where I was part of the Commercial Services division. Then I was given the opportunity to join the Tucker team, which has been a great experience!
What are your day-to-day responsibilities on the job?
I keep our IT systems updated and secure, keeping up with new trends in the industry, and resolving any technology related issues. And Zoom meetings…oh, the Zoom meetings!
What was your role in Tucker’s move to a new City Hall?
My role in the move was quite involved! I worked with our security and A/V vendors to create an overall plan for the new building and did my part to implement that plan. Setup all the computer systems for the staff, overhauled our printing system and installed all the needed IT infrastructure. There is still a list of things to do, and I can already see improvements we can make as we grow.
What are the advantages and downsides to being the office IT guy?
There are many advantages. I get to steer our technology choices in a direction that makes sense for the City. I get to work with some fancy equipment, but I’m still waiting to get my hands on that GIS drone. And of course, everyone loves the IT guy…I think?
There is only one real disadvantage: pressure! This is an always on, 24/7 job.
How do you keep track of the changing trends and technologies in your field?
When I have free time, I have a few websites I use to keep up on tech news and trends or watch videos from large tech conferences. But lately I’ve been listening to podcasts in the car. It’s a constant moving target. Going forward, I think video meetings and working remotely will be more popular, even after the world gets back to normal. Which will be just another thing to keep up with.
Off The Wall
What do you do in your free time?
Two of my favorite things are movies and gaming, so it’s always a toss-up between the two. Due to the lack of live sports since COVID hit I’ve been trying out iRacing. I have a decent steering wheel and I have been enjoying it even though I’m really not that good. I also have a backlog of sci-fi audiobooks I need to get through.
What is your favorite animal?
Dogs, no question. I’ve always had a dog since I was a kid. Right now, I have a Great Dane at home and he is awesome. He is a huge dog, so taking him for a walk is always entertaining because people see him and stop in place. But he’s also the most gentle dog I’ve ever encountered; the worst he would to you is drool on your shoulder.
What is your favorite sport?
Football! College football to be precise. Fall Saturdays I watch as many games as I can, all day long. My man cave has six screens so I can watch multiples at once. I grew up in Alabama, so I’ve been a Crimson Tide fan as far back as I can remember. Roll Tide!