InTucker Magazine
December 2021
City Council Update – December 2021

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council met twice during the month of November, dealing with a laundry list of agenda items, while also welcoming a new member to the Council. That new member, Virginia Rece, won a special election on November 2 to replace Councilman Bill Rosenfeld, who passed away in January. Rece was sworn in at the meeting on November 8.
Also at that meeting on November 8, Council voted to approve an ordinance creating an entertainment district in downtown Tucker, as well as setting new standards for sidewalk dining. They then approved a request to defer a special land use permit petition by Chick-fil-A to relocate their Tucker Station location across the street to the site once occupied by The Greater Good Barbecue. The deferral will allow the applicant to continue to work on traffic and other considerations associated with the project.
Council then held a slew of public hearings on matters including:
- requested major modifications to approved conditions for a townhome development at 3281 Tucker Norcross Road. The petition seeks to allow for more rentals in the development.
- a requested major modification to approved conditions for a drive through facility at the new development at the intersection of Hugh Howell Road and Mountain Industrial Boulevard.
- a special land use permit request for a massage establishment at 2088 Idlewood Road.
- city-initiated rezonings for eight properties in the area of Richardson Street and East Ponce de Leon Avenue.
These issues all came before the Mayor and City Council on first reads, meaning no votes were taken.
On November 22, Council held a work session and special called meeting. During the work session, they were briefed on several items, most notably the results of the City’s pavement condition study. Council will soon decide which streets will be repaved in the upcoming 2022 SPLOST-funded road resurfacing campaign. At the special called meeting, they cast several votes including awarding a contract for the Chamblee Tucker Road lane diet and a contract for the replastering of the city pool at Kelley Cofer Park.
The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council will be on Monday December 13 starting at 7 p.m. at City Hall.