InTucker Magazine

December 2021

From the Mayor – December 2021

December is known for a lot of things, but one way I have always heard it referred to is as “the season of giving”. If you think about it, that term means something, especially here in Tucker. Growing up, society and popular culture condition us to focus on what gifts we receive. As we mature in age and in the way we think and see the world, though, many of us start to think about the gifts we have to give. It doesn’t mean you have to be wealthy; giving of one’s time or God-given talents can mean just as much as opening up your wallet. And if you’re like me, you’ve learned you always end up getting back more than you give when you volunteer.

One of the things I have loved about Tucker since we moved here so many years ago is the giving nature of our people. Tucker is truly unique in that regard. It predates cityhood, it predates me and, more than likely, it predates you. For more than a century, neighbors have come together to make Tucker a better place, to lift up the least and the lost among us. We help friends. We help complete strangers. Think about this: up until the mid-1940s, communities all across the state, including Tucker, even ran their own schools! It’s what we’re called to do, and it’s what we’ve come to call the Tucker Way.

Why is that important? There are certain things that government cannot do for us. It cannot check in on a sick neighbor. It cannot give an elderly friend a ride to the grocery store. It cannot meet the many human needs among us – only people can do that. 

A question I often hear is “Okay, I want to volunteer but I don’t know how or where?” Our city is so flush with active volunteer and civic groups that it really isn’t hard to find your niche. Visit for a complete list of groups who are working in our area. For example, you can reach out to Tucker Civic Association to see how you can help with one of their volunteer events. Give the Tucker Optimists, Lions or Rotary a call to check on their upcoming outreach efforts. Volunteer through the schools. Get your hands dirty with one of our Friends of the Parks groups. Get involved in your Homeowners or Community Association. There really are an endless variety of ways to connect and contribute.

Tucker would not be what it is today without the diligent work of our volunteers. It is my hope that you will find your own way to give back. What better time to start than during this season of giving?

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