InTucker Magazine

December 2023

From the Mayor

It’s so cliché that it usually goes without saying, but sometimes you have to say it anyway: Change is hard. Whatever form it takes, it comes with difficulties. And during these last months of 2023, we find ourselves facing change as a city.

For better or worse, the state legislature provided in our charter that our councilmembers would have limited terms they were allowed to serve in office. Change is built into our city’s DNA, and so in this issue of InTucker, we reflect on the service of two of our founding members, Noelle Monferdini and Anne Lerner, with gratitude and respect.

Noelle and Anne are the last two members of our original Council to complete their service and reach those limits. Since 2016, they have given of themselves and served, as they affirmed in their oaths of office, “…in the best interests of the City of Tucker, to the best of my ability, without fear, favor, affection, reward, or expectation thereof.” They have been instrumental in an amazing string of successes and suffered fair and unfair criticisms along the way. They have stood their ground or compromised, as their wisdom and their constituents’ and colleagues’ input guided them, always with grace and empathy. They have conducted themselves as we all hoped the Council would during the days when a City of Tucker was only a dream we were working toward. The loss of their deep experience and understanding of what makes Tucker a great community will be felt profoundly.

Next month, we’ll celebrate the installation of our two newest councilmembers, Vinh Nguyen and Amy Trocchi. They’ll take the same oath of office, and we eagerly anticipate their fresh energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to their community.

It all reminds me that in more than one language, the concepts of “Crisis” and “Opportunity” are combined into a single, interchangeable word or character. This construction rightly conveys that both are present at the same time whenever change comes. It’s up to us to decide and work toward the outcome we desire. I’m confident not only that Tucker has chosen well in the past, but that we have a bright future ahead, navigating difficulties, and converting every opportunity into success.

Thank you Anne and Noelle, on behalf of your City.

Mayor Auman's signature..