InTucker Magazine

February 2018

From The Mayor – February 2018

This is a truly special time of year. It’s also a very busy time of year. While folks are rushing around to various holiday parties, shopping and preparing to travel or welcome guests, there’s still plenty of important City business happening.

You see the list of meetings to the right of this space, but I’d like to highlight the December 10 City Council meeting, which is our only Council meeting this month. That means we’ll have a lot of ground to cover, including potential votes on two land use cases, a first read of a budget amendment and a presentation of recommendations from our Trails Master Plan. It promises to be an eventful evening.

On the topic of Master Plans, I want to remind you that we will have a public meeting for our Parks Master Plan on December 11 at Tucker Recreation Center. This is significant because the consultants we’re working with will present some preliminary findings based on survey feedback they’ve gotten from you. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they – and you – see for the future of our parks.

More important than all of that, let me offer you my best wishes for a happy holiday season. You’ve probably heard me talk about my vision for Tucker as a place where a person can live, work, play and pray their whole life. In that phrase, “pray” is just shorthand for having a rich spiritual life and access to groups and facilities that support it. My prayer for you during this season is that you’ll find peace and joy, and a place where you’ll connect with others seeking and sharing the same. It’s part of our heritage and part of what makes Tucker both strong and special.