InTucker Magazine

February 2022

Citizen of the Month – Kristi Bluett

Connected communities don’t just happen. It takes some really special people who are willing to give their time to make it happen. Kristi Bluett is one of the people who makes Tucker the amazing place that it is.

Kristi and her husband Peter have lived in Tucker for as long as I have known them. By day, Kristi is a paraprofessional for the DeKalb County School District. But by night…well, Kristi is a little bit of everything.

Consider the impact she has made with our local Scout Troop 129. The youngest Bluett, Lucas, has been actively engaged in Scouts for several years and Kristi has been right there with him. She serves as the Advancement Chair for the troop, tracking badges and accomplishments for the scouts. Believe me, that is no small order! She also aids scouts who are working toward Eagle Scout status, ensuring that all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. She has been integral in organizing and running the Troop 129 Christmas tree lot at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian. And she is a mainstay at Scout campouts, using her love of the outdoors to make sure the kids have a safe and fun time out in the wilderness.

When Lucas was a student at Midvale Elementary School, Kristi was very active in the school’s PTA. The feather in her cap was organizing the school’s Fall Festival which, at the time, was the main fundraiser for Midvale. Her passion for helping has not ceased since Lucas moved on to Tucker Middle.

What it boils down to is this: Kristi continuously goes above and beyond for her troop, her community and her family, all while bringing joy to those who know her. I think she is the perfect choice to be honored as Tucker’s Citizen of the Month.

Nomination by Patrice Keeter