InTucker Magazine

February 2023

Citizen of the Month – Vicki Ward Warren

Vicki Warren richly deserves recognition as Tucker’s Citizen of the Month. To quote Woody Allen, “80 percent of success in life is just showing up.” Vicki not only shows up, she does terrific stuff. Here are just a few of the places Vicki has shown up:

Parks and Greenspaces
She’s a faithful volunteer at workdays at Henderson Park, Johns Homestead, and the Tucker Nature Preserve. She faithfully protects native plants in our parks and takes out after invasives with a vengeance. Just get her started talking about Japanese Chaff Flower! She often helps with the Master Gardener project at the Native Plant and Wildlife Walk. We have tried to entice her into becoming a Master Gardener, but she’d need an eighth day every week to squeeze that into her life. “Vicki is a tireless and valued volunteer, her help with the Historical Society Plant Swap is just a drop in the bucket of all that she does for Tucker.” Beth Ganga. I for one am happy she passes along plants from her own yard.

Conference Tables
Vicki brings her civic mindedness to SO many meetings of SO many organizations. She even assumes chairmanship of many of those meetings. Friends of Henderson Park, Friends of Tucker Parks, Tucker Civic Association, Main Street Theatre … Vicki’s good humor and willingness to work enrich all the organizations she belongs to. Her meetings are never dull — any activity is more fun with Vicki there!

If you attend any Tucker event that includes volunteer tents along Main Street, you’ll probably see Vicki under one of them. She has handed out dozens of parks maps. She’s worked shifts at Taste of Tucker, Tucker Day, 3rd of July fireworks, Tree Lighting, and probably more.

Restaurant Tables
It’s important to patronize our local businesses, including our restaurants and taverns. Vicki is always willing to help out. Cheers!

Tucker Recreation Center, Auditorium and Backstage
Stacking and unstacking chairs for Main Street Theatre productions is only one of the House Manager’s duties. Taking tickets, selling cookies, keeping the gears meshing …Vicki is key to our hometown theater’s success. “Vicki is a dedicated and hardworking volunteer, and MST is better because she’s with us. We are delighted that Vicki is part of the MST family!” Wayne Kelley

Social Media
All too often, people spew unpleasantness on social media. Not our Vicki. With her humor and enthusiasm, Vicki brings more light than heat to Tucker Town Talk and Facebook.

On the Road
She collects and delivers clothing for the NETworks Cooperative Ministry. She kindly provides rides to those many activities listed above, for anyone who can’t get there otherwise. If you see a big red truck hauling plants, signs or people, Vicki may be at the wheel.

“What I appreciate most about Vicki is her positive attitude and her gung-ho personality. She’s a wonderful contributor to all that is positive in Tucker! She deeply cares about our community.” Kimbra Wiseman

This is a woman who is deeply committed to her community AND a ton of fun. Tucker is lucky she’s one of us.

Nomination by Claire Hayes