InTucker Magazine

February 2025

A New Turn Lane Comes to Tucker

Fellowship Road Traffic Update

The long awaited and needed dedicated left turn lane and signal have been installed! One of the most requested traffic improvements throughout the years has been to improve the left turn onto Lavista Road from Fellowship Road when heading north.

The City started the process over a year ago by re-aligning the traffic heading south across Lawrenceville Highway as that was a great safety risk. Earlier this year, the length of road between Lavista Road and Lawrenceville Highway was restriped and median added to create a dedicated left turn lane onto Lavista. Medians were also added to prevent left turns across traffic onto Second Ave.

A construction worker works on seeding and strawing on the side of Fellowship Road.
Public Works Update

Since adding Public Works to city services in July of 2023, the department has completed 1,930 work orders with only 247 currently outstanding. Important work improving the daily lives, and commutes, of residents was the goal and it is a promise kept.

An added service that the South isn’t quite used to as it isn’t often needed; was the proactive approach and quick response during the two snow storms of January. Prior to the first fall of a snowflake the Public Works crews were out brining the roads in preparation and once there was accumulation, they went out to plow and salt to stave off freezing roads.

A Tri Scapes truck plows snow on Tucker's roads.
A car drives on a clear road with snow on the surrounding ground and trees.