InTucker Magazine
January 2020
Tucker Turning Over a “New Leaf” in 2020

You’ve read in these pages about the City of Tucker’s “Green Team” (September 2018 issue), a group of staff members who are so passionate about sustainability they have helped to implement common sense policies for city staff like turning off lights at the end of the day or not idling vehicles in the parking lot. Now this group of eco-warriors has its sights set on a new challenge for 2020!
Tucker has filed an application with the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) to earn the “New Leaf” designation, a preliminary level to official Green Communities certification. The designation would put Tucker on the road to earning the ARC’s Green Communities bronze level certification within two years.
“We are excited about the New Leaf program and what the Atlanta Regional Commission is doing to encourage sustainability in our cities,” said Tucker’s Planning and Zoning Director Courtney Smith. “We know that residents and businesses around Tucker are passionate about the environment and we look forward to joining them in finding implementable green solutions to make our city a model for sustainability.”
If you’re interested in learning more about green initiatives and how you can make a difference in your own home, visit