InTucker Magazine

January 2023

City Council Update – January 2023

The December 12 regularly scheduled City Council meeting was the only business meeting for the Mayor and Council this month and is the last of the 2022 year. Business started with unanimous approval of the evening’s agenda after slight changes were made:

  • The first read of an ordinance to amend Tucker Code regarding buildings and construction was exchanged for a resolution to adopt legislative findings, the required first step in the process.
  • The minutes from the November 14 meeting were pulled out of the consent agenda for discussion.

Mayor and Council revisited the attendance of Councilmember Noelle Monferdini and approved it as excused 4-2. Councilmember Monferdini was recused from the vote and subsequent approval of the minutes from the November 14 meeting due to her absence.

Staff Reports were presented, and then the Council heard the second read of an ordinance to amend Tucker Code to allow the City to sell small, otherwise unusable parcels of land to bordering property owners. This amendment was approved with a unanimous vote by the Mayor and Council.

This was followed by eight items of new business including two first reads and one public hearing. The following items did not require action from the Mayor and Council:

  • First read and public hearing for a Special Land Use Permit to allow for a major change in site conditions for a drive-thru restaurant at 4435 Hugh Howell Road and 2239 Dillard Street
  • First read of an ordinance to amend the Tucker Code regarding criteria for alcohol licenses

The following agenda items were all approved unanimously by the Mayor and Council:

  • A resolution to adopt legislative findings regarding the importance of sprinkler systems in multifamily structures
  • A resolution to appoint the Chief Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of Tucker
  • >A contract renewal with ConnectSouth LLC
  • A contract amendment with Interdev for $59,723.56 to create a geographical database of the city’s road and stormwater system

In addition, City Council voted unanimously for resolutions to terminate the intergovernmental agreements, or IGAs, with DeKalb County regarding Maintenance, Repair, and Improvement of Stormwater, Roads and Bridges. This is one of the first steps in the City of Tucker assuming direct responsibility for these services.

There was no business for the Mayor and Council in executive session, and the last meeting of the year adjourned.