InTucker Magazine
July 2019
City Council Update – July 2019

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council held a pair of meetings in June, with the major vote being to adopt the City’s first millage rate. The proposed rate of 0.9 mils to fund Parks and Recreation had public hearings on May 28, June 10 and June 26. It was then approved by a 7-0 vote at the meeting on June 26.
At the June 10 meeting, Council cast a pair of votes okaying improvements in Tucker’s parks. The first vote was a unanimous approval of $62,582.85 for repair and expansion of the dock at Lake Erin. The project is the latest collaboration between the City and DeKalb County on improvements in Henderson Park. The second vote, also unanimous, authorized $19,000 for a change order for the tennis court lighting project at Henderson Park. The expenditure was necessitated when crews digging the footings for the light poles hit rock, preventing them from digging deep enough to complete the project.
On June 26, Council received a presentation by the PATH Foundation on recommendations for the first project stemming from Tucker’s Trail Master Plan. The proposal, a two-phase project which saw no formal action by the Council, would provide connectivity in Kelley Cofer Park and come with a $1.21 million price tag. Council also cast a pair of votes to impose a 120-day moratorium on electronic scooters in the City. Finally, they approved amendments to the City’s zoning code and official zoning map. The changes were brought about by the Overlay Rewrite project overseen by consultants from TSW.
One issue from the June 26 meeting that will resurface in July was a first read and public hearing on a special land use permit (SLUP) to allow a tattoo parlor at 2316 Main Street. That is anticipated for a second read and vote at the next Council meeting on Monday July 22 starting at 7 p.m.