InTucker Magazine
July 2020
Team Tucker – Annique Hall

What do you do in your role here at the City of Tucker?
I am a Permit Technician. I am responsible for the intaking of projects for both Residential and Commercial. I also issue Building, Trades and Sign permits, issue COs (Certificates of Occupancy) and take payments.
You’re a relative newcomer. How long have you been working for the City?
I have been with the City now for two months and two weeks.
What were you doing before you came to Tucker?
I was a Permit Technician in another municipality.
No job is easy. What are some of the biggest challenges you face each day as you do your job?
Outside of having to deal with this pandemic, I would have to say that I have not been faced with anything outside the norm. I come in, I get the job done.
What do you like most about your job?
The fact that I can help the community grow. I assist our homeowners and commercial business owners to get whatever it is that they need done (within legal bounds).
Off The Wall
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
When I do get some free time, I try to read a novel or anything for ‘Dummies’.
Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
I have travelled to other places, but I would most definitely have to say Jamaica. I was born and raised in the beautiful island of Jamaica, which is surrounded by beautiful clear water, white sandy beaches and lush vegetation. Having the luxury of being able to step outside your home and be greeted with the waves crashing against the rocks and fresh ocean scent? Yes!!!
Are you a cold weather person or a warm weather person?
Warm weather! Coming from a tropical island where it is warm 365 days of the year? It will have to be. I can step outside and not have to worry about bundling up or getting sick because I did not dress for the cold weather.
What is your favorite TV show?
“What’s Happening”
What is one thing your co-workers don’t know about you?
That I am Lois Lane.