InTucker Magazine

July 2021

Business Boom – Best of Tucker

Tucker is undoubtedly one of the fastest-rising business destinations in the Metro Atlanta area.  Each month, the Business Boom will seek to show different examples of how Tucker’s business scene is flourishing. This month’s column is written by Community & Economic Development Director, John McHenry. 

In April of this year, Tandem Bank sponsored a special contest that celebrated those establishments that started, adapted and supported others during a pandemic that was devastating to many in our business community. Founding Chairman & CEO Charles DeWitt shared, “In recognition of the challenges of the past year, and as a proud Tucker business, Tandem Bank has been inspired by the ingenuity and resiliency of our local businesses and are especially proud of these winners and their impact on Tucker.” 

The winners ranged from some long-standing businesses to some newer additions, but they all shared in their love for the community and a heart for Tucker. The online contest, that was promoted via social media, awarded $1,000 to each organization to give to the charity or cause of their choice. Thread Beauty Spa, located at 4426 Hugh Howell, was the winner in the “Giving Back” category. They opened their beauty spa in March 2019 and found it hard to believe that they were forced to close unexpectedly just a year later due to the pandemic. But, like almost every business owner around the country, the COVID-19 lockdown left them no choice. A few weeks into the lockdown, owner Sanah Sayani shared, “I thought, ‘what if I made some masks to give back?’” In a matter of months, they donated over 10,000 masks and, by the end of the 2020, had given more than 20,000 masks in total. 

Now reopened, Sanah reflected that, “I will always be grateful to have been a part of giving back in that difficult year. Our community stepped up and helped with everything!” 

Receiving an award for “Newly Launched” is the new addition to downtown that is jam packed for lunch and dinner, Ford’s BBQ at 2337 Main Street. They were under construction when COVID hit last year. At times, the project stopped completely and they had to adjust everything, from design to process to plans. Fortunately, the worry and the wait paid off because they were able to open their doors and have been received with a huge welcome. Owner James Maggard explained that it was not an easy go at all, but they kept the faith it would all work out. 

“Our standards kept us going when COVID could’ve taken us out, and those same standards drive us to deliver amazing food to the community that’s supported us every step of the way,” he explained. 

The winner in the “Most Adaptable” category was the local landmark, Matthews Cafeteria at 2299 Main Street. Open since 1955, they closed their doors voluntarily on April 2, 2020. It was an incredibly painful decision for owner Michael Greene, but he knew it was the wise thing to do for staff and customers. And he knew that if he wanted Matthews Cafeteria to come back, they would have to adapt to make it happen. So when they reopened on April 22, there was no dine-in option. Instead, they created a drive-thru in the front parking lot. At the height of the pandemic, the drive-thru accounted for 60 percent of their business. 

Greene shared, “Because we were willing to rethink the way we did things and tap into the resources we had available, we did. Our team made this adaptation to make this last year of business possible.” 

DeWitt says Tandem Bank encourages all Tucker residents to support our locally-owned businesses, as Tucker just would not be the special place it is without them.