InTucker Magazine

July 2023

Business Boom

Headshot of Angela Brooks

Tucker is undoubtedly one of the fastest-rising business destinations in the Metro Atlanta area.  Each month, the Business Boom will seek to show different examples of how Tucker’s business scene is flourishing. This month’s column is written by our Business Outreach Coordinator, Angela Brooks.

The city of Tucker will soon begin accepting applications for its first facade grant program.

This matching program will provide from $2,500 to $10,000 in grants to eligible applicants to invest in renovating or repairing the street front exterior of their commercial properties in the downtown area.

“The funds are intended to improve the aesthetics of downtown by helping owners upgrade, repair or even address safety issues that may have gone neglected due to lack of funding,” said Brian Chambers, Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Chair.

Crafted by the DDA and approved this spring by the City Council, the program allocates financial incentives for the renovation, restoration, and preservation of storefront businesses located primarily in the downtown area. The DDA is the development arm for the city of Tucker.

Business or property owners who qualify under the requirements can receive grants for new exterior improvements. Proposed projects can be as simple as a coat of paint or more involved construction. The program will provide reimbursement for up to 50 percent of those costs.

“The program is designed to enhance the front appearance of buildings to increase profitability, property values, and to draw additional business and patron traffic to the area,” said Chambers.

As part of the Board’s mission to promote and market the downtown area, Chambers added that this is one new tool that they can use to support that. “Helping these Tucker businesses to enhance and repair front facades and to improve their building front also serves to improving the sidewalk experience for patrons and the overall appearance of downtown.”

Facade improvement programs have proven successful in municipalities across the country for revitalizing the exterior of buildings and resulting in a more attractive location for new commercial and residential activity.

“The esthetics of a community and its business corridors are a key factor in visitors’ decisions to live, work, and shop in a municipality,” said DDA Board member Honey Van de Kreke. Improvements, large or small, can make a dramatic enhancement not only to the property, but also to the whole of downtown Tucker.

Tucker’s facade program is also well aligned with some of the goals identified in both the city’s updated Comprehensive Plan and its newly adopted and first Economic Development Strategic Plan. Both plans can be found on under Plans & Studies.


For fiscal year 2024, a total of $50,000 is available through the program and will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis until funds are depleted or the fiscal year ends. Applications will be reviewed by the evaluation committee comprised of Board members and City of Tucker staff, and applicants must also be in good standing with local taxes, fees, and licensing.

“We are delighted to bring this investment opportunity to our business community at a time when their resources may be limited but the need to manage finances still exists,” said Van de Kreke.

When asked if the program’s scope will be broadened, Chambers said that if it is well received, they will look to expand its eligibility boundaries to include other strategic areas identified for revitalization.

Detailed program requirements and the application will be located on the website soon. Also, watch the city’s main page and social media for links to the documentation.