InTucker Magazine

June 2020

From the Mayor – June 2020

With summertime upon us, we enter a new season in the life of our city. You may have heard by now that the City of Tucker is moving into a new City Hall. It’s a move being made out of necessity. Three years ago, our staff outgrew the space at the current City Hall on Adrian Street, so we acquired some office suites on First Avenue and set up what we call the City Hall Annex. In the blink of an eye, we’ve outgrown that space, too. The new City Hall is on Northlake Parkway at Lakeside Centre. What it means for us is enough room for our staff to work more efficiently. What it means for you is more parking, a better waiting area and less confusion in going from two sites to one.

You’ve heard the saying “spare no expense”? Let me guarantee you that we spared every expense we could in the buildout of this new City Hall. You’re going to see a modest building devoid of all the ritzy appointments and accents you may expect in a newly rehabbed space. This City Hall is meant to be functional, not fancy.

Move in is scheduled to take place over the next 4-6 weeks. Ordinarily, we would have a huge celebration to open the City Hall, likely a big Open House for the community. That remains to be seen with the guidance on social distancing and crowd sizes. I do hope you’ll come down and see the space at some point and greet our friendly and hard-working staff. We’re proud of them and we’re proud of this new building we’re going to call home.

Lastly, let me put in a plug for the new Mayor’s Blog on our website. I wanted a space for me – and the men and women who follow me in this office – to give thorough explanations on some of the big issues affecting our city. It’s a space to talk about the coronavirus or the budget or the latest road resurfacing; topics that you might not typically know where to go to get information. You’ll see written word and videos and we actually have big plans for expanding the blog’s offerings once we get back to more normal circumstances. For now, go to to check it out!

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