InTucker Magazine

May 2017

From the Mayor – May 2017

Tucker band at a parade

Merriam-Webster defines the word community as “people with common interests living in a particular area”. If you want to see how Tucker defines community, you don’t want to miss Tucker Day on May 13.

Our brand-new, 125 year-old city boasts a diverse populace, with folks of every age, race and religion. We have many citizens with deep roots, and many others who have only recently planted themselves here. But we all recognize and hold dear the fact that we live in a community where neighbor is connected to neighbor like no other place I know.

Tucker Day has always been a shining example of that. Our little city of 33,000 puts everything on hold for one day to march in a parade, see old friends, enjoy great local music and food, and celebrate the community we love.

This year, Tucker Day will be on Saturday May 13. I’m proud to say the City of Tucker will have a booth, but that’s really where our role as city officials ends. Tucker Day – just like Taste of Tucker, the Chili Cook-Off, Christmas on Main, the Cruise-Ins and all our other great events – is put on by Tucker’s business and civic groups and their volunteers. The City is here to help and be a part of the fun, but after 125 years it’s YOU who know how to throw a party to celebrate this great town.

And on that note, this will be a special Tucker Day, marking 125 years since a railroad and a post office put Tucker “on the map”. As you walk through downtown and enjoy all that Tucker Day has to offer, I hope you’ll take time to notice and think about some of the rich history of our community. I’m sure the folks at the Tucker Historical Society – another of our great volunteer groups – would be glad to help you learn about all that it took to get us to where we are.

In looking deeper into the word community, there is an alternate definition that caught my eye. It mentions “joint ownership or participation”. We all own this city. You own it. So do your kids, your neighbors, the shopkeeper on the corner and the big manufacturer hidden in an industrial park. It’s for all of us. And with everyone’s participation, we make this a compassionate, connected community that we are rightly proud to call home.

I look forward to seeing you on Main Street at Tucker Day.

mayor signature