InTucker Magazine

May 2019

City Council Update – May 2019

At a city council meeting

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council had a busy April meeting four times, mostly to address the Fiscal Year ’20 budget. On April 8, they held a public hearing and first read on a $13.7 million balanced budget. After a pair of special called meetings to hammer out details, the Council unanimously approved the budget at their meeting on April 22. This budget includes around $8 million in expenditures for City operations and approximately $5 million in capital projects funded from the general fund. That will be supplemented by an anticipated $4.9 million in revenues from the special-purpose local-option sales tax (SPLOST). The SPLOST money will be allocated for capital projects in accordance with the parameters laid out in the 2017 SPLOST referendum.

At the meeting on April 8, Council also held a first read on an annexation petition by the ownership of five parcels of Northlake Mall. The mall sits within the boundaries of Tucker’s original cityhood map and could become part of the City if the petition is approved by the Council later this month. They also unanimously adopted the Trail Master Plan with conditions. The plan, prepared by the PATH Foundation and KAIZEN Collaborative, lays out a framework for expanding walkability and connectivity within the City with a 32-mile network of trails.

On April 22, Council unanimously approved a rezoning petition for the property at 4062 Comanche Drive. The petition, which will allow for construction of two new homes, asks for rezoning from R-75 to RSM and a concurrent variance to lot width requirements. They also held a pair of public hearings surrounding new business before the Council. The first hearing was for a special land use permit to allow for a massage establishment at 1505 Lilburn Stone Mountain Road. That was followed by a hearing on a text amendment stemming from the City’s Sign Ordinance and Overlay Rewrite process. Each of these issues is anticipated for a second read and vote at the City Council meeting on May 13.