InTucker Magazine

November 2018

From The Mayor – November 2018

Family in Tucker

Each family has its own set of traditions when it comes to the holidays. Whether it’s the big rival football game, watching Christmas movies throughout the month of December or a midnight service on Christmas Eve, it’s being with family and friends that makes it meaningful.

One tradition shared by many of the families I know happens at the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day. Before the turkey is carved, each person gets a turn to share something they’re thankful for. By the time you go around the entire table, you’re not thinking so much about food or football; you’re thinking about what really matters. In that vein, I’d like to share some things for which I’m thankful as we prepare for Thanksgiving in Tucker.

Caring Colleagues – It takes a lot of people to run the City we call home. We have a staff that genuinely treats Tucker as their own, working diligently and with great spirit on behalf of all of us. I’m especially thankful for my friends on the City Council. You may not see it, but we sometimes have our disagreements. For all our differences, every one of us knows that every one of us is committed to a strong, healthy future for Tucker. These public servants have time and again risen above selfish desires and the worst aspects of politics to do the right thing as they see it, while sincerely considering all points of view. Tucker is so much stronger, and will be for many years, because of their civility.
Good Neighbors – Gaye and I know some of our neighbors, but it wasn’t until recently, when someone suggested a neighborhood block party, that we got to know many, many more. Nearly 100 people showed up for food and fellowship. It was great to put names with faces and find out some commonalities we share. These are the people who are going to bring you soup when you’re sick and keep an eye on your house while you’re on vacation. I’m grateful to know them better.

Family – I’m saving the best for last here, but welcoming a granddaughter was the highlight of the year for Gaye and me. If you’ve seen me since Finley was born, chances are you’ve seen a picture or three of the most amazing baby in the world. She’s healthy and she’s happy, and she, along with three daughters and two sons-in-law, is a reminder of how critical it is to strengthen and preserve our great communities for the future, and that the effort is worth it.

This community has a lot to be thankful for, too. I hope you’ll take time this Thanksgiving to stop and count your blessings. Tucker is certainly one of mine!

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