InTucker Magazine
November 2021
City Council Update -November 2021

Tucker’s Mayor and City Council met twice during the month of October, discussing and deciding on several important issues. At their meeting on October 12, they held seven public hearings on what was a very busy night for the body. The first of the public hearings surrounded an ordinance to amend the City Code to update exemptions to local occupation taxes. That measure passed on a unanimous vote, as did an ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year ’22 budget. Council then voted unanimously to approve a special land use permit (SLUP) to allow a personal care home at 3710 S. Marlborough Drive. That was followed by approval of an ordinance to strengthen and clarify the City’s sign code.
There were three other public hearings on issues that did not go for votes. First, Council heard discussion on an ordinance that would create an entertainment district in downtown Tucker, as well as set new standards for sidewalk dining. Next, they held a public hearing on an amendment to the City Code that would make several changes for the purpose of cleaning up issues in the Zoning Ordinance. The final public hearing was for a SLUP and concurrent variances for a proposed Chick-fil-A at 4435 Hugh Howell Road. All three of these issues should come back before Council for a vote at an upcoming meeting.
Council also took action on a handful of other issues that did not require public hearings. Those included:
- approving a resolution to provide for an inclusive, fair and welcoming city. This resolution must be posted on all of the City’s communications channels and be distributed to all licensed businesses at least once per year.
- awarding a contract to DAF Concrete for $175,867.50 for sidewalks to be constructed along Church Street and Tucker Industrial Road.
- awarding a contract to Bliss Products for $93,820.76 for construction of a new playground and swings in Rosenfeld Park.
- approving a resolution to submit a pre-application for the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program grant. The $3 million grant would be used to repair or replace the existing dams at Twin Brothers Lakes.
- approving a resolution to dedicate a privately owned portion of Richardson Street, officially making it a public right-of-way.
At the Council work session on October 25, they received updates from staff on several topics including transportation projects, park projects and filming in the City.
The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council will be Monday November 8 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall (1975 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 350B).