InTucker Magazine

November 2024

From the Mayor

Mayor Auman and Gaye Auman pose with two grandchildren.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions in our lives, but it’s not just an emotion. It’s a daily decision, and even a way of life. When we embrace thankfulness in all our comings and goings, we grow the ability to see that most everything in life is something to be grateful for.

In this month of thanksgiving, I want you to know I’m grateful for many things, but especially in regard to Tucker.

I have had the privilege to serve as our City’s first Mayor. I have felt the growing pains and seen the success of our carefully laid plans. And I am grateful.

I have worked with countless residents and determined volunteers who work selflessly on behalf of their neighbors. And I am grateful.

I have served with some amazingly dedicated fellow council members to make sure that our government leads responsibly in the Tucker Way. And I am grateful.

I have seen our budget and our services grow in a smart fiscal manner to provide improved and expanded services. And I am grateful.

I have seen our City staff push themselves and create innovative ways to engage, educate and serve our residents. And I am grateful.

My wife, Gaye, and our family have been supportive and made sacrifices in ways and to a degree no one will ever know except me. And I am grateful.

And for me, gratitude is not just to the universe or for my circumstances. I thank God, and I thank you for these opportunities to serve and to be witness to amazing people and amazing work, and all that it takes to make a city successful.

I hope you find more to be grateful for than you ever have before during this special time of year.