InTucker Magazine
October 2023
City Hall Update – Lawrenceville Highway Rezoning
Plans, projects and studies start when Department Heads and the City Manager start looking at the budget for the coming fiscal year. Tucker’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30 and the budget process starts in February. These ideas and budget requests do not pop out of thin air to keep staff entertained. The vision of the City is driven by our Comprehensive Plan and our various master plans that the Mayor and Council have approved and adopted throughout the years. The Mayor and Council can also request certain projects for the staff to shepherd, budget allowing.

One of the initiatives that have been identified was to add to the list of zoning districts and options along Lawrenceville Highway utilizing a special zoning district. The City sent out a Request for Proposal and ended up rewarding the contract to Pond to create and the new code to allow for a new special zoning district between Cooledge Road and Brocket Road that would address redevelopment of existing parcels and improve the gateway to the City of Tucker while remaining compliant with existing plans and studies.
The process is made up of two major steps. Step one was to write and approve the code, including additional zoning layers and definitions. Pond was tasked with community engagement and input as well as presenting to the public and the elected body of the City of Tucker. In order to capture the public’s thoughts, wants and needs along this corridor, Pond created an online survey and hosting a community meeting back in April of 2023. They then presented three times with public hearings at the July Planning Commission meeting and twice at the first City Council meetings in August and September. The Mayor and Council voted on, approved and adopted the zoning code update on September 11.
The Second step is to create and approve a zoning map for the newly created zoning code. Pond hosted a neighborhood meeting for the property owners and adjacent neighbors of the proposed map on August 30. The Planning Commission heard and approved the City Initiated rezoning on September 21 and the proposed map now moves to the Mayor and Council. The first read with a public hearing will be on October 10 followed by the second read and vote on November 13.
It is important to state that existing properties and business are legacied into this proposed map. Any property sale or change of business will trigger the new zoning code requirements.
The map is thoughtful for transition buffers and to allow for assemblages of the smaller plats that currently exist. The City is looking for smart growth and to provide a way to promote newer businesses when the time comes.
For further information and supporting documents please visit the website at