InTucker Magazine

September 2018

From The Mayor – September 2018

Public comment meeting

A couple months ago, we ran an article in InTucker detailing a range of studies, surveys and plans the City will be putting together over the remainder of 2018 and into 2019. There are 11 different topics being studied in-depth, impacting everything from our parks to our traffic and even the future of our downtown. The reason for that article was to lay out what was coming and show how those findings will impact you and your family for years to come.

That was an information piece. This is a call to action.

Many of these studies and plans are now underway. One of the most important jobs of the consultants who are going to be making recommendations to us is to gather input from the community. That’s where you come in. No one knows Tucker better than those who live and work here. You are the ones who can help us decide where to build new pedestrian trails and what kind of amenities you want in your parks. You can tell us where you’re seeing the most road congestion and where the worst safety hazards are. We need your ideas on what downtown Tucker needs in the way of restaurants, retail, parking, sidewalks and other services.

We have a committed group of citizens and business leaders who are on each of the steering committees for these studies and I’m grateful for their willingness to devote significant effort to these projects. But there’s also a vital public input component to this. These will be big, open meetings where you can offer your insight and experience. Check out our website and social media channels in the coming weeks to see where and when public input meetings will be held. Better yet, sign up for our City email list and we’ll put the calendar right in your inbox. Much like with our Comprehensive Plan process, you’re going to find consultants at these sessions taking notes directly on what you say. Those notes will be boiled down into recommendations as to how City staff and the City Council should address these important issues going forward.

Now is the time when plans are being formed and your opinions will have the most impact. Please mark your calendars and make plans to take part. Engage in the process and help shape the plans that will make Tucker better and stronger long into the future.

mayor signature