InTucker Magazine
September 2024
Collaboration of the Arts

There is a long debate in academia about what core characteristics must be present to signify the start of civilization. Is it when a form of government or religion is established? Perhaps it was when injuries were first tended to and allowed to heal and recover. Others will say it is the establishment of culture through the arts, that having the luxury of time and ability to create beauty is what is the defining element of civilized society.
Obviously, our present day is considered a civilized society. We live in an age of readily available education, established governance, and ever evolving and improving medical care. The arts are revered and celebrated worldwide and are part of the foundation of the education system. It is proven and accepted that learning to read music feeds and grows both sides of the human brain aiding in comprehension and computing. Painting, throwing pottery and performing can release endorphins to help stabilize our emotional and mental health. Those that are not called to create also benefit in similar ways just by observation and enjoyment.
Tucker has many avenues to create, enjoy, and celebrate the arts and artists. Years ago, as the Tucker community was rallying together to create their own local government another group established the first local community theatre. The Main Street Theatre grew and was established from a post in a local Facebook group in 2014. Starting with a single full-scale production, the group has expanded each year in their leadership and in their entertainment offerings. Their season now holds three full scale productions, a murder mystery dining experience, as well as holiday collaborations with the City. In celebration of their 10-year anniversary, Main Street Theatre is bringing back their inaugural production of Harvey this fall. The announced cast is a delightful blend of long-established Tucker actors with new-to-Tucker talent. With a mission “to produce superior theatrical experiences that entertain and connect the community of Tucker with the arts and each other”, Main Street Theatre has proven itself successful, inclusive and most of all entertaining!
Local artists have met for years as the Tucker Arts Guild and have had opportunities to exhibit their work at the Northlake-Barbara Loar library, Tucker Recreation Center and the original City Hall on Adrian Street. In recent years, another organization has come together to include all aspects of art and creativity. A band of poets, dancers, singers, crafters and all types of creatives gathered in 2021 to support one another and from that initial meeting the Tucker Arts Alliance was formed.
Formed to be an alliance of creativity, the group has set out to explore what they can be and what they can do to be a unifying and encouraging force in the Tucker arts community. They have been participants in ARTucker, Tucker Day and Juneteenth, and their support has been noticed. Tucker-Reid Cofer Library reached out to the group and invited them to display a curated exhibit including all mediums. At the time of publishing, the Alliance will have completed the call for artists and be in the process of selecting the artists and creations to be displayed. Cleverly scheduled between early voting and the traditional gift giving holidays, the exhibition will be open to the public Saturday October 12 through Friday December 6 during the normal library hours.
Starting this month, another exciting and interactive art exhibit is set to open in Northlake Mall. The Science Gallery Atlanta, affiliated with Emory University, has moved its location from Pullman Yards to Tucker. Guiding the decision was the ideal location of the mall, ample parking and variety of dining and shopping options. The Science Gallery Network is “an international collaboration of leading universities dedicated to public engagement through interdisciplinary art-science initiatives”. Their first show is an immersive exhibit showcasing sustainability and empowering people to discover their path forward toward a more resilient future. Titled ‘Resilient Earth” the show runs from September 14, 2024 through April 30, 2025.
Music is the most accessible of the arts. We have free and constant access through FM radio waves and built-in instruments through our vocal cords. Churches have always been a source and an outlet for music through choirs and two local churches have opened their programs to the public. The Tucker Community Singers meet out of First Christian Church of Atlanta on weekly basis with a mission to showcase “hidden talents, promote inclusion and celebrate the diversity of Tucker through singing”. The singers perform throughout the year in collaboration with other ensembles around the Metro Atlanta area.
Tucker First United Methodist Church has launched a new children’s ministry called Tucker ACTS (Acting, Creative, Theatre, Song). Offering affordable and accessible education in music, theatre and visual arts, the first production will be this fall with “Godspell”. The ministry also offers weekly group and individual lessons in voice, piano, guitar and other stringed instruments. Tucker has been a community for over a century, a city for almost a decade and through the dedication and sweat equity of local volunteers and creatives, the arts culture is expanding and becoming more accessible. Tucker’s civilization is being defined and you can play a part, as Main Street Theatre says, “Come play with us!”