Tucker City Manager Tami Hanlin Announces Retirement
September 15, 2023

After more than seven years as Tucker’s city manager, Tami Hanlin announces her retirement as of January 2024. Tami started with the City on June 1, 2016, the first day of operations, and became Tucker’s first direct staff member in November of 2018.
Since becoming Tucker’s City Manager, Tami has effectively led the organization from the startup phase to a fully functioning city providing best in class service to the residents of Tucker. She led the startup staff of five through the challenging early days to the current organization of 55. Tami was instrumental in laying the foundation for the city, overseeing the creation and implementation of six master plans, including the Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, the Economic Development Strategic Plan, Parks Master Plan, Strategic Transportation Plan and the Trail Master Plan.
Tami’s legacy includes the creation of each city department, including the most recent addition of Public Works. Other highlights during her time serving Tucker are the highly successful community events like concerts and movies in the parks, the July 3rd celebration, summer camps and the emerging trail system. Tami will leave behind a lasting culture of integrity, passion, creativity and collaboration.
“When you start a city from the first day of operations, you develop a special attachment to the people and organization that no other professional experience can provide. Serving the City of Tucker has been the capstone of my career,” said Tami Hanlin. “I wish to thank the Mayor and City Council, our residents, and all the members of Team Tucker for the opportunity to serve as your city manager.”
Tami’s time at Tucker was proceeded by a long career in local government, including the startups of the cities of Johns Creek, Milton and Sandy Springs, Ga. She began her career in Michigan where she held several progressively responsible positions in four metro Detroit communities.
Tami and her husband Bill look forward to spending more time with their family, traveling and boating.
“It would be impossible to overstate Tami’s positive impact on Tucker,” City of Tucker Mayor, Frank Auman shared, “Every marker of our success in these early years has her imprint on it, and we will miss her steady guidance through every challenge we’ve faced.”
The City will work with Mercer Group Associates to begin a nationwide search to identify qualified candidates for the role.