Fit & Fun InTucker

MLK Day of Service at Johns Homestead. In an effort to keep our minds and bodies healthy, the City of Tucker Parks and Recreation offers many ways to help with the winter blues and bulge at bay.  All our parks are open until sunset for you to enjoy an early afternoon walk or hike on our miles and miles of trails. If you are looking for something a bit more physically challenging, head over to our Fit Court located in the Church Street Greenspace. This is a self-led workout where you can follow the prompt on the signage or scan the QR code for further guidance. There are a total of six playgrounds in our parks which are a great way to involve the young children in some fresh air and activities.  Another great activity is Pickleball, have you heard of it? Rosenfeld has open play during the day, just show up and there is always someone there eager to show you the way. If you are looking for more coordinated activities, you can come to Tucker Recreation Center for a list of daily activities including senior dance classes, yoga classes, pottery, aerobics, and more!

A great way to beat the winter blues is engaging in some of our community events, such as the upcoming North Pole Event on December 2. This will kick off the official holiday season with the lighting of the City’s holiday tree and menorah, live holiday music, performances from our local dance and theatre groups and the opportunity to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. There will also be food vendors, crafts for kids of all ages, a giant snow globe, and bounce houses. This is going to be a magical night for sure!

Main Street Tucker is bedecked in holiday cheer and welcoming you to stay a while and enjoy the festive sights, grab a bite to eat or do some shopping for your family and friends.
Whatever you decide to do to keep your mind and body healthy remember connection is a key part of mental and physical wellbeing; talk to each other, hike with each other, play and break bread. We need one another and this is a great time to reconnect.

Be sure to follow us on the website, Facebook and Instagram for updates on events and department information.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

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